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This Is Not a Happy Album v.2


original art by pragmaticinsanity.tumblr.com
track list & d/l at seshennu.dreamwidth.org/2864.html

In 2008, I decided to make a Johnny the Homicidal Maniac fanmix. What resulted was a 7 album mix, totaling about 5 hours of music. While sometimes I wince at song choices my 19-year-old self settled on, overall I think it's aged well.

v.2/Human Interactions focuses mostly on Johnny's rare non-aggressive interactions with other people. Mostly. Still, lots of Devi feels in this one.

11 tracks
1 comment on This Is Not a Happy Album v.2

Some songs were, like you said, pretty adolescent and angsty. On the other hand, some songs, like "Victim" by the Golden Palominos were great and wonderful and oh-so-appropriate.
