20 comments on Isn't Fate Artistic? (HTTYD Books) by httydbooks_doodler

Hey, I don't know if you'll see this (on account of this playlist being super old), but I just wanted to say that I absolutely adore this; it makes me want to cry, and it really captures the spirit of these books that are so special to me. So, all I can say is "thank you". ♥️

@frostedfirefly God, I almost forgot I made this playlist! Seeing this comment in my email was a pleasant surprise. I'm really happy that the songs I chose struck a chord in you(haha,) I put my love for this series into this and it warms my heart to see that people are still discovering it to this day. Thank YOU

my phone is like a potato so it keeps crashing on the 4th one but that has no effect on my enjoyment of the playlist... except that I'd like to do something else and not have it crash, phone. I like the album cover too
