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the waves will watch you go


"I am starting a new life. Beatrice said 'tis what eclipses are for - they shake your life to pieces, and then, you start a new one."

fanmix for Ishti's (https://8tracks.com/ishti) OC Blanchefleur, introduced/referenced in Rhenegade (https://archiveofourown.org/works/11611431/chapters/26103963) and detailed in Daisy Stains (https://archiveofourown.org/works/20409697). Not sure if it's explicit enough to spoil anything, but you should still read Daisy Stains before listening to this (if only because it's fantastic)!

11 tracks
1 comment on the waves will watch you go

Even my boyfriend said this was a really good mix just outta nowhere. this is a really good mix and it's perfect for her and for Daisy Stains 111100/10
