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Let's take a (poké) walk! [August 2016] *Pokemon NO edition*


Did the latest update erase your account? Can you even connect? Is your GPS SOL? Are you living in the 'burbs or middle of nowhere and can't even see a goddamn pokestop on your map? ARE YOU MOTHERFUCKING SICK OF THESE MOTHERFUCKING PIDGEY?!

This playlist goes out to everyone who is pissed off about Pokemon Go getting progressively worse with every update. Get frustrated, ragequit, come back, try to make the app work, hate Niantic, bash them on Reddit/social media, and then secretly cry to yourself because all you really want is to be the very best, like no one ever was.

GG Niantic.

Edit (Aug.25): Wow, gem status! Thanks everyone!

26 tracks
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