34 comments on essential indie by jgewg

ok so number 25 is definitely not the song it's supposed to be...but it's amazing. Where can I find it for download???

@prin-cex I second that comment!!! I literally clicked the youtube link to that song yesterday and was sooo disappointed that it was not the same song...

@bmiles6 @prin-cex It sounds like a remix of The Flaming Lips' "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots Pt. 1." Not sure who did the remix, but that's the original song, if that helps.

Pretty sure I'm going to fail my calc test cause I got too distracted by dancing to this while studying!! Oh well!!

I keep getting distracted about how freakin' great this playlist is and can't concentrate on work... thanks for nothing!

I've been listening to this every time I work on homework it's the perfect length and I almost never have to skip it's just perfect thank you so much <3

this is amazing!! I didn't trust the big title of "essential", but now I'm at track 7 and totally in love with that playlist, it's my music!! thanks a lot :)

Are you freaking kidding me?! I'm 6 songs in and you've played 5 of my favourite songs, including recordings and covers I've never heard before! Thanks for bringing this playlist over! Its amazeballs :)
