25 comments on you are limitless.. by juzen

Waking up listening to this playlist getting pumped up and start working hard, day after day. This playlist is a life savior thank you so much !!!!❤️

This is such a great playlist! Thank you so much for putting it together! I was just wondering, does anybody know who is saying the speech that's titled You Are... Thanks again! I hope you all achieve your dreams (:

@owlslippers Good evening!! Im glad you enjoyed the playlist, we all need some motivation sometimes haha. You Are... is by Eric Thomas.. Great speaker, i recommend checking him out :)

Thank you so much :) These tracks made me get through my most difficult times, especially the speeches. I hope you add more tracks here, that will motivate people further to do whatever it is they're to get wherever they need to go. love ya!

it appears this mix is helping a lot of people and im glad!! The world might be cruel but hey with enough training youll create a strong mind that can get you through anything. Keep your heads up lovelies!!

awesome words of motivation, but i'm looking for instrumentals so the lyrics dont interefere with reading. change the tag

Thanks to misleading tags I got to this mix and THIS IS ADORABLE!!! I will listen to it every morning - the power of it is the thing!! thank you!
