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"I still think of you, I still dream of you,
but there's no going home, there's no going home
with a name like mine"

mostly acoustic, thoughtful songs about love and dreams + one instrumental track, for solas and lavellan

tumblr link: http://reubelyn.tumblr.com/post/109198803573/fade-dates-a-solavellan-fanmix-for-fumbling
cover art by me!

9 tracks
5 comments on fade dates

Just wanted to say this is the first solavellan playlist that actually made me start crying and I've been listening to them for days now! Right in the feels! *fans self*

@JinxFlux Hi there! Sorry about the UBER late reply but oh my gosh you honor me!! I'm sending you tissues and sympathies from my end of the world friend! we both know how ruinous this damn ship is lmao

i already told you on tumblr how beautiful this is, but i just thought i should point out how happy it makes me to see a killers track on a mix like this one. such good synth-tastic contrast on an acoustic mix without being grating or obnoxious ; v ;
