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Instrumental Music to Make your Brain Work Pt. 4


Yet another hour and a half of non-intrusive instrumentals to get your brain working to do whatever you may need to get done.

**sometimes the first song plays twice and I have no idea why. I have tried to fix it, but it is no good. Sorry!

29 tracks
12 comments on Instrumental Music to Make your Brain Work Pt. 4 (View all)

Hey, I'm enjoying the mix, but Andare by Ludovico Einaudi seems to be skipping. I'm not sure if It's just my internet connection, but I thought I'd give you a heads up.

I use this playlist all the time to get work done. it's so perfect... not calm enough to put you to sleep, not energized enough to distract you... this is my favorite studying playlist ever. thank you so much, this got me through two chapters of ap french, 8 poetry analyses, and a marine biology lab

Hi Jspartan, I personally don't find the gibberish distracting, but I am very sorry if you do. Feel free to skip the first song. I promise their are no human voices in the rest.


Sign of a phenomenal study playlist: Haven't thought about what's playing or thought to change the song, and I'm over 25 tracks in. Just checked it now because I wanted to star this version of Human Nature. I'll be able to listen to it for real after finals!
