Kitty Ace McCoy
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"I loved you guys, you know. I loved you so much."


"My heart's with you, Bill, no matter how it turns out. My heart is with all of them, and I think that, even if we forget each other, we'll remember in our dreams.
I'm almost done with this diary now - and I suppose a diary is all that it will ever be, and that the story of Derry's old scandals and eccentricities has no place outside these pages. That's fine with me; I think that, when they let me out of here tomorrow, it might finally be time to start thinking about some sort of new life . . . although just what that might be is unclear to me.
I loved you guys, you know.
I loved you so much."

9 tracks
1 comment on "I loved you guys, you know. I loved you so much."

i love every single one of your IT playlists and i am grateful for your existence. seriously thank you

@pops3299 That is the greatest comment I have ever recieved in my life, Oh my god thank you so much, and thank you for listening to them, I'm so glad you enjoy them <3
