Planning for the Goodnight Kiss
No body wants to be refused. So how do you know when it's acceptable to go in for the first goodnight kiss? Well that can be a very difficult call to generate since every woman/man differs. Like a male, I will tackle this matter from the perspective of the person.

Body language is a good way to tell if they're into you. Lets begin by considering a number of the things women try this show they are interested throughout the conversation:

Playing with and/or twirling hair (it is a hard one and might be confused with a simple case of OCD)

Raising their shoulders straight-up and leaning in your direction

Hands are open with her palms facing up and outwards

Plenty of laughing

You realize she's what?

It is time to go in for a kiss. Because she's directly into you, there'll be many opportunities through the night to create your move. If you wait until the final moment and hesitate (at-the door or end of the date), you virtually lost your chance. In case people claim to discover more on , we know of thousands of resources you should think about pursuing. Therefore be on the safe side and try to take action about midway through the day.

What if you're unsure?

Just do it! What's the worst that could happen...they say no? You've everything to gain and nothing to lose; you'll likely never see them again anyways.

Listed below are three different methods to the goodnight kiss:

Silent: Making eye contact and then bending in about 9-0 of the way

Polite: Asking them if it's acceptable to give a hug to them

Brave: if you can kiss them asking and Telling them they've wonderful lips

What happens if you chicken out?

Nothing. Possibilities come and really comes down to the person and how they elect to handle the situation. Some individuals may care less, while others go harder. Discover further on this partner URL by visiting . But the worst is when you regret not going in for when you know you should have the kiss. It occurs to us all...we meet somebody we really hit it off with or maybe a pal we always had the biggest crush on but never the nerve to let them know. Before you understand it they're gone; it is like clockwork, they both meet someone or go across the country. And in the long run whatever you are left with are those two dreaded words, what if?. For another way of interpreting this, people are able to check-out: .


Member since Sep 2015
