96 comments on 100 Best Indie Songs 2013 by LA

Sincerely have to share this. So I've been trying to remember Miracle Mile by Cold War Kids ALL DAY! I couldn't. I searched dozens of lists and youtube collections, typed anything I thought was close to the band name or song name and found nothing. Then I decide to click this link that led me here to your list, and my song was the FIRST SONG that played! Ha! Thank you, and many kudos! This is a stellar playlist!

I badly wish I could download this whole playlist. It's jam-packed with all of my favorite indie songs. :| If anyone could help me with this, please do. Thanks in advance. :)

Awesome playlist, Mykal! Thank you so much for sharing!

I had just made 8track account after I found your playlist from Google (so I could add it to favourite, ;) ). I think this playlist is so wonderful, and the whole site (8track) is great also for searching new and non-mainstream music.

Thanks, sir! You've made my day. Please keep work on your '100 best' lists. :D

Thanks so much for this mix! I've been searching for majority of these songs for a long time and i've finally found them! :)
