Pirate. Musician. Daughter. Sister. Friend. "The Investigator."
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I am sick of people losing themselves through the influence of others. I'm here on this earth to: be a good daughter, a caring/crazy sister, and a true friend. I do NOT betray. I do NOT lie. I may "never want to grow up," but I know the importance of maturity. Life is far too short to bicker, and yes... I curse like a sailor in the car and laugh at the ridiculousness of others, but I care about my friends and loved ones more than anything. I bite my tongue when people annoy me, as to avoid confrontation... because in the grand scheme of things, I'll still love you in the morning, anyway. I don't take things for granted because I know what loss feels like..."Cause don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got till it's gone?"
