39 comments on synesthesia (instrumental) by maraudor

I have chromesthesia (the proper term for the music version of synesthesia) and the colors, shapes and /textures/ in this were so amazing I had to sit down because I was getting overwhelmed! Amazing playlist, definitely worth so many more listens.

Wow!! my favorite instrumental playlist ever!! I tried to study with it and failed cause it was so good I couldn't concentrate! I kept listening carefully to every song! As a cellist I really enjoyed the richness of sounds in it! it is the kind of playlist that gives you goosebumps, thank you for creating it!!

It's actually spelled, the film, Chocolat and pronounced as such, french I believe, Shock-o-la. Not trying to be a dick, just a reminder of sorts that they left the 'e' out of title. And with that, I must say I love Rachel Portman!!!

And she's right, that track you chose is from Chocolat, not from Never Let Me Go. If you click on the soundcloud link to the song, it even says Chocolat.

Oh I know, autocorrect is the worst! Okay, so I want to know, it does have the link to the main theme from Chocolat on soundcloud, but in the playlist is it from Never Let Me Go? I didn't actually hear the the track in the the playlist, just only the soundcloud link and it could be different.

hello, i am here to settle this once and for all!

here is the track that i put on the original playlist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUPy2Pis4hA

this is the 'main titles' track from never let me go and is DIFFERENT from the one from chocolat, that the soundcloud links you too! however, i have just listened to the playlist, and 8tracks has substituted my original track with the 'main titles' from chocolat. they probably saw 'main titles' by rachel portman and just used that one

i am going to try to work on getting the original track back, but i hope this has cleared everything up

Okay, that is what I was thinking that happened, but I hadn't actually heard your whole playlist yet so I wasn't sure which one was in it. I'm listenting to it now though, I'm on the track from Forrest Gump. Good job on the playlist, it's wonderful and thank you for making it! Cheers! :)

I absolutely adore this mix, it's just so relaxing and beautiful! But just to let you know the Rachel Portman track is still jumping at the beginning and the Dustin O'Halloran track only plays from one speaker for some reason. Still an excellent mix though!

Perfect, awesome, IDK. Only one question: the track "Main Titles" by Rachel Portman is broken or something? Bacause it seems to skip and start again. Maybe it's only my computer, I don't know. Anyways, how I said before, perfect!

Oh man, I went over the limit of how many times I could play this playlist within the 8 hour period. It's just that good. But now I gotta wait a while before I can play it again. Thank you so much for such a lovely, lovely playlist. ♥

wow, this is definitely one of the nicest comments i've ever gotten on one of my playlists. i'm so pleased that you like it and think so highly of it. thank you!!
