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The tale of Edward Kenway told through music.
From the beginning to the end of Edward's story.
Cover art by Nyiro (tumblr)
P.S I cried while making this track.

Playlist Updated: 7/11/14

18 tracks
3 comments on Take me back to the Start

Of course! Thank you for commenting sorry I got to this so late. Unfortunately I haven't posted this anywhere else, so this will just be a drastically long comment...

1. Jolly Sailor Bold- Hans Zimmer
2. Empire- Alpines
3. Retaliation- Seven Nation Army
4. Blinding- Florence and the Machine
5. Bones- MS MR
6. Salt of the Earth- Lovedrug
7. Into the Past- Lana Del Rey
8. Full Circle- Half Moon Run
9. Scotland- The Lumineers
10. Human- Daughter
11. Fire Escape- Half Moon Run
12. Cold- Aqualung ft. Lucy Schwartz
13. Mad World- Gary Jules
14. Smother- Daughter
15. The Scientist- Coldplay
16. Time- Hans Zimmer
17. Gatsby Believed in the Green Light- Tobey Macguire
18. The Parting Glass- Sarah Greene
