Hello all, Name is Michael Chapman, although if your on my profile you know who I am, I did something crazy 6 months ago and moved 1,200 miles away everyone and everything I knew and loved on a whim and a prayer that a better life was in store, well so far that whim and a prayer has been successful, I have a great life here in Colorado, a house, a full time job, and money in my pocket, this has been the best thing I have decided to do in a long time, other than that I am divorced, i am a proud parent of a son named Jordan Anthony, he is my reason to wake up in the morning and do what I do, I am a Army Vet, i did a total of 5.5 years before a injury to my left ankle put me out of comission for good, but besides the 2 screws it was an amazing career.

TOP TAGS rock, green day, goo goo dolls, coldplay, best of 90s

Member since Dec 2011
