120 comments on Bossa Lounge by miramane

Oups partis trop vite le 1er message. Je suis Animateur radio et je peux te dire que ton talent est exceptionnelle. J'espère que tu va vivre de ta passion car c'est mérités grrrave. What a night I'm having since I discovered your mixes. Mega thx :-*

Les larmes aux yeux! Merci d'avoir apprécié mon goût :) I'm taking part in a web-radio program, too. Check out my fb page :*

P.S: You should start crafting mixes, you seem to have a talent to do it;)

Oh I know exactly what you're talkin' about, girl... I share the same passion, but I don't have the same luxury of freedom to do what you're doing. But seriously, you're so good you should get paid. There is not one song in your mixes so far that I don't like! :D

The freedom thing is relative, just take some distance from whatever it chains u! Paid? I'm paid nice comments like yours and this in itself is a source of great satisfaction for me :)

Ah. But sometimes it isn't that simple..
Oh, you deserve far better than nice comments, but that's good for you (:
I really love your mixes.. It's as if you know exactly how I feel.

Great mix. Favourite track taken from Bossa 'N' Marley. First heard it at Rockhouse, Negril, Jamaica; brought back some cool memories.
