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it takes an ocean not to break | joan x audrey


I’m telling you I love you
but it doesn’t help much, the world is painful
when I look at graveyards

- Bob Hicok, excerpt from “Life”


Suddenly this defeat.
This rain.
Among all the people
your absence.
The people who are always
not you.
- Jack Gilbert, from “Rain,” Collected Poems


If you must die sweetheart
die knowing that your life
was my life's best part.

- Keaton Henson - You


10 tracks
1 comment on it takes an ocean not to break | joan x audrey

Thank you so much! ♥ I finished watching Prisoner about a week ago and I'm swimming in feels. I love Wentworth but this Joan here has touched my heart in special ways. Thank you for listening and commenting, it means a lot!
