Is this playlist safe for work?

the elements pt. 2

5 comments on the elements pt. 2

hi! you had the song tsubaki (or something along that) in one of your playlists. can you tell me who it;s by and which playlist i can find it in?! i thought it was in part one but it isint :(

@zahrstar hi! ahh maybe you were thinking of "talamak" by toro y moi? i just checked and it's supposed to be on this playlist but it was removed by soundcloud so i just uploaded it on my own! let me know if that helps :) -steph

@STÉLOMANE hey! Talamak is still on this playlist. It was another song. I cant find it anywhere :(. It was more of a chill song with japanese lyrics that whispered the background. LOl! if you come across it do let me know. Either way, thank you for trying - cheers!!

@zahrstar such a quick reply, awesome :) and of course! aww i thought i had it!! haha hmm that'll be a tough one. are you sure it was on one of my playlists? if so do remember what kind/what title it might have been? i'd love to find it!!
