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You are the scandal of Italy. You are also the envy of Italy.


"If I was a man I would have run him through."

Lucrezia Borgia. If you're not putting her up on a pedestal, everyone else is.

16 tracks
6 comments on You are the scandal of Italy. You are also the envy of Italy.

wow, i just saw that there even is a comment section in existence on my mixes and read all these. Thank you guys! I love this show so much and it really shows in mixes. Thanks for your support!

Another excellent mix,You're really good at this aren't ya?, and more artists to add to the list so thanks for that.

I loved how her character really came through with your choices with that femme fatale sexy minx feel.

And even though it's a Lucrezia mix i felt that Cesare was all over this too...He def worships and puts her on a pedestal :))
