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Coffee Rings on Book Covers


An I-need-to-actually-sit-down-and-write-my-essay kind of playlist. There's a lot of different genres here...piano, anime & movie soundtracks, classical, and instrumental covers. It ranges from light and fluffy to slow to upbeat. A lot of my favourites are here!

I'm writing a paper about female detectives soooo yeah I get to talk about Agent Carter which is nice, but it is worth 50% of my grade!

EDIT: Some tracks have been omitted due to 8tracks & soundcloud's agreement coming to an end. You can find the remaining tracks that were originally on this playlist here:

cover art credit: "Ami" by yue-li-art

30 tracks
14 comments on Coffee Rings on Book Covers (View all)

Thanks a lot for this playlist. I normally can't write while listening to music but since it's all instrumental I can still use it as relaxing background noise I guess? It really helps too now that I've started doing work in places where i can't actually have the dead silence I usually need to focus.
