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Jumpstart the Butterflies


For that heart-stopping, 'I just met someone and he/she's wonderful' feeling. For that sudden realization you're in so deep. For new love and all of its wonders. Eight tracks including music by A Fine Frenzy, Ingrid Michaelson, and Sondre Lerche.

8 tracks
7 comments on Jumpstart the Butterflies

I absolutely adore every one of your mixes, and they're a fabulous way to find new music because each song you pick is amazing and something I need right that second. :)
Also, what's your tumblr url? I'd love to follow you.

I'm sure you're a much better singer than you give yourself credit for, you should give it a try. I'm sure many of your followers here would gladly follow you on youtube, myself included. And I'm jealous of anyone with the ability to write music. I can get a basic tune going but writing lyrics kills me. haha That's pretty much why I stick to covers. =P

Ahhh, well thank you for the vote of confidence, but when I say I write, I don't mean music hahhaa I've tried so many times to do that and it just ends up being awful or sounding like something that already exists. I write in the creative writing sense - poems, stories, etc. As for you, you don't need to know how to write cause your covers are superb :)

Don't mention it! It's not like me to shy away from paying well-deserved compliments. But wow, it's awesome that you've been able to discover so many new songs you enjoy just from listening to my playlists. That really makes me smile. (:

I do not have a youtube page. I'm afraid, as I mentioned earlier, that the lack of a voice holds me back a bit. I'm a writer. I wish I could be more of a musician, but without the whole package, I'm a bit limited. :P

Thanks! That's very kind of you to say and I really appreciate it. =)
I've actually complied a list of songs I'd like to cover soon and I found most of them through your mixes so I owe a lot to you. haha Do you have a youtube page as well?

Hey Zach!
Thanks so much for the kind words! You really brightened my day. (: I'm so happy my mixes are able to make you feel that way. But speaking of amazing, I just checked out your youtube channel. Keep it up! You've got a great voice on you and some pretty sweet guitar skills. I play as well but I always envy those with a voice to boot. I'm jealous. :D

I've stumbled your mixes a few times and I decided to make an account just so I could tell you how amazing they are. You have amazing taste in music and no matter how I'm feeling, I know one of your mixes will give me something to smile about. So thank you and keep doing what you're doing.
