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Bonnie Elizabeth Parker was born in Rowena Texas on Oct 1 1910, the 2nd of 3 living in Cement City, West Dallas, working as a seamstress and waitress, packing in high school after the 2nd year, marrying Roy Thornton in 1926 at 16. Clyde Chestnut Barrow was born in Ellis County on Mar 24 1909, the 5th of 7 kids, living in Telico Texas, holding down odd jobs. Some say Bonnie met Clyde at a buddies in Jan 1930 at 19 and was later arrested at Bonnie's at moms for bank robbery. While in jail, Bonnie smuggled him a gun where he escaped but was soon recaptured and sent back to jail. Clyde was paroled in Feb 1932, and reconnected with Bonnie, both continuing on their life of crime till May 23 1934 when they were shot dead in Louisiana at a police roadblock. Bonnie never did divorced Roy Thornton.

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