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Time will bring you near

3 comments on Time will bring you near

I really like your playlists, glad I came across them on your Tumblr account! This one has to be my favorite, it has a great vibe/connection to my favorite OTP and Kotor overall. :) Have you considered putting your playlists on Spotify?

@AloraZyrias Thank you for enjoying them! ^__^ And no, I hardly even used Spotify. But I might consider checking it out now that you've mentioned it. I'll let you know if I add them!

@mrsruberduckyjr That'd be awesome, thanks! Like I said you've got some great playlists and it' be sweet to have them there. Thanks again for putting together such good playlists! :)

@AloraZyrias Well, sadly Spotify doesn't have all the songs I need to complete "Time Will Bring You Near" but put it together anyways and I manged to find all the songs for "Goodbye For Now". I've yet to add "Strangers Into Lovers". Here's the links:
Time Will Bring You Near -
Goodbye For Now -

@mrsruberduckyjr Bummer that not all the songs are on Spotify but here's to hoping they'll add them one day! Thanks for taking the time for putting these on Spotify! :)
