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Complex, wordless, acoustic


Sixteen tracks including music by Ning Lu, Zoe Keating and more. With harpsichord, violin, oboe, cello, piano, classical guitar, a little voice snuck in there. Sharp, stark, twisty.

16 tracks
11 comments on Complex, wordless, acoustic (View all)

Apologies for the inconvenience, but our music license requires us to limit the number of times you can play a particular mix in an 8-hour period.

Thank you very much, musicachingon. This is exactly the kind of music I was looking for at the moment. I am pretty sure I am going to check out all these artists, excluding Zoe Keating; I already have her in my music lists.


Newbie here, just finding my way around. Looks like a very interesting compilation, like the sound of all those strings. will listen when I have a little more time. Some of our tracks may be worth considering. They are all free to download under a Creative Commons license.

“Girl In A Room” might be worth a listen (very sad acoustic lament) also with a little cello….Just follow the link to Soundcloud
