Hello beautiful human being (at least I presume you are human, if not, wow that's cool!)
First of all, thank you for visiting my pagethingy. Second of all. You will probably regret this decision in about 20 seconds when you will be bored because of all of my rambling. My name's Nathalie, I'm 21. At least, I was 21 when I wrote this. My birthdate is 06-08-1992 (That's the 6th of August, just to make sure we all get along here).
I'm a Dutch Student studying to become a teacher of English. I love Supernatural, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Once Upon a Time, The Avengers, Thor, Iron Man, Captain America, LOTR, The Hobbit, and a lot of crime-series (like Castle, the Mentalist, and Bones for instance).
I'm single and will probably stay single the rest of my life due to the impossibly high standards I set because of people like Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Jared Padalecki, Anton Yelchin, I think I could go on forever. I am absolutely in love with Sherlock, Loki, Pavel Andreievich Chekov (I CAN DO ZAT), Dean, Castiel, Sam, and Sheriff Graham. (I'm probably forgetting like 20000 people here)
Destiel is my OTP, although I do enjoy the occasional Wincest and other ships. Johnlock is perfect. Mary won't get between them in any other way than in bed (if you know what I mean =D)
Thanks again for visiting! Oh and yeah, I write. You can check out my tumblr for that.
