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The Warrior Beneath the Mask


“You could rattle the stars," she whispered. "You could do anything, if only you dared. And deep down, you know it, too. That’s what scares you most.”
― Sarah J. Maas, Throne of Glass

“Roland gave her a courtier’s smile. “And what sort of work do you do for my uncle?”
Dorian shifted on his feet and Chaol went very still, but Celaena returned Roland’s smile and said, “I bury the king’s opponents where nobody will ever find them.”
― Sarah J. Maas, Crown of Midnight

“And then I am going to rattle the stars.”
― Sarah J. Maas, Heir of Fire

13 tracks
18 comments on The Warrior Beneath the Mask (View all)

could you maybe check out my playlists? one of them is EXTREMELY close to being platinum ahhhhhh! it would mean sooo much thank you
