1. noHiPSTER is a website dedicated to listening and reviewing brand new albums.

2. noHiPSTER aims exclusively to keep music alive and spread it all around, as much as possible, ever!

3. noHiPSTER hopes to import in a country like Italy, where national and international distribution of musical products is limited, largest number of artistic material is possible, in accordance with the laws in force and every artist’s will.

4. noHiPSTER doesn’t believe in singles, but it respects the strain and the care lying behind any musical project, synthesized in an album: only listening to it from the beginning to the end it will be possible to support a reliable critic. For better or worse.

5. noHiPSTER still believes in criticism, so here you will only find what has passed through the filter of our (and your) critic. This is NOT a music sharing website, like MySpace® or Suondcloud®. That said, our will is to receive works and hints about works from brand new artists or music lovers that would like to present their albums to this filter. You can do that trough our special section: “collaborate with us”.

6. noHiPSTER hates the concept of musical “genre” and rejects it. The only existing genre is the artistic one, all the others (pop, rock, jazz, etc,) are label limiting in most cases even a simple approach to music. Genres are anachronistic and tied to market trends, this website is not interested in it. Even so, in order to avoid confusion and disorientation in the exploration of the multitude of products you can listen to in this website, we propose a different type of classification. We believe that every work carries an emotional load and an experience. There are albums which fit into a situation, and albums which fit into an other! Albums suited to an intimate mood, “sociable” albums. Any of this situations is approximately synthesized, in this website, with COLORS. They don’t express a taste or a style, but the emotion we felt while listening to an album.

Good Music
