50 comments on ☆ the fall ☆ by oddreylu

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I put this on low volume when i get stressed and it just fucking knocks me right out thanks so much for this amazing work!

1000/10 would listen to this playlist FOREVER.

no but seriously, it makes me so relaxed and happy and nostalgic at the same time it's a whole new experience lmao

this is so great!!!! i cried when i heard the track from unwound future; layton games, especially unwound future, are my true weakness ;; i was so surprised by its presence that i had to let it out haha! this entire playlist is wonderful for studying, thank you so much for helping me finish my ap us history essay ;u;

You are a master ... this playlist is amazing, it reminds me of my childhood and lots of videogames I used to play... thanks for sharing!!

Of all the relaxation playlists, this is by far my favourite. So soothing and peaceful. I am able to meditate without the interruption of a song that just doesn't sit right. I encourage you to continue making playlists.
