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midnight in the devil's garden

6 comments on midnight in the devil's garden

this was great, Elie. also I think I'm really in awe of people who, even if it's not as simple as aesthetics, have this. I don't know, visible look. this thing going. like. your blog and the way you articulate your gender and your mixes build this really interesting appearance, and I like it a lot. I think you'd be a great person to know tbh. good luck with what's going on at the moment, I'm going to try to help when I can, at the end of this term. thoughts with you.

@dionysusdevoured this is such a sincere and moving compliment. i wasn't aware i gave of any sort of impression like that so it's very flattering! aaaah thank you ;-; things are a lot better in my life right now, whatever good vibes you sent worked their magic. thank you so much. <3
