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Fight Today To Live Another Day - A PTSD!Percival Graves Fanmix


After Percival Graves has been freed from Grindelwald's imprisonment, he suffers from PTSD and is fighting with himself to get back on track.

11 tracks
4 comments on Fight Today To Live Another Day - A PTSD!Percival Graves Fanmix

I LOVED this playlist, it brings together so many sides of what happened to Graves. But somehow I accidentally clicked NSFW and I'm wondering if there's any way to undo that? It was a simple misclick and I don't want this to go unlistened to because of it!

WOW. This...this playlist just makes me have so many feelings for this character. I sincerely hope that he gets the conclusion he deserves and that JKR decides to keep him on as a recurring character for the films.
