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– awake! awake!
let banners fly like shrapnel, & efface the sky!

an arthur kirkland fanmix, with lyric annotations. this has been sitting in my private mixes since at least 2014, and if i made it today it'd be entirely different (and i certainly wouldn't put text over fanart) – so i figure it's time to set this free.

disclaimer: i know hetalia canon is really nasty and imperialist, and this mix is really critical of that. several of the songs are specifically anti-imperialist – i mean, it is an england mix. any romance/breakup mentions are about him and francis, but it isn't a focus of the playlist.

album art credit: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=34737414

9 tracks
1 comment on albion, awake!
