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i'm gonna battle my finals to the bitter fuckin end


it's been a long goddamn year, kids, but we're almost there. take a deep breath, grab your battleax and your binder, and let's take down our finals and be free of this hell. i'll see you on the other side.


The fifth installment of "i'm fighting college to win"


cover: productivityrocks.tumblr.com/post/144352779374/

20 tracks
7 comments on i'm gonna battle my finals to the bitter fuckin end

look dude. i've never paid too much attention to titles on here but... your finals/studying compilation of playlists has been the perfect amount of aggression for studying. i appreciate this a lot. thanks for all the playlists.

I definitely appreciate the wake-up call of those high energy tracks, carefully interspersed between music which is easier to concentrate to (it's 02:17am and i've still got 400 words to write send help)... wait no you're already a godsend
