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2 comments on A Little Baby Pigeon!

oh dude totally! especially that one song about love and marriage going together STRICTLY, that one just hit the nail on the head ~
and hey I'm glad you liked the comment! I'm on a dhmis roll at the moment so I just might have to give all of your mixes a listen.

this play list has made dance around the house while also contemplating the odd perfection and urgency that is in our mass concept of love. so yeah, pretty damn good playlist. complements the tone and theme of the original video well.

@koztastic Oh my god that's the best comment I've ever gotten on a mix! That's exactly what I wanted you to gain from this playlist, hahaha!! I'm so happy I matched the original content well, too, that's always hard to achieve. Thank you for listening, and mix requests are always available for dedicated listeners like you! :-D
