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Fading Purple Skies


The suns slowly retreating setting the clouds ablaze with the color of heliotropes while you sit on your porch swing with wine stained lips

8 tracks
12 comments on Fading Purple Skies (View all)

If you can see colors expressed by music, then maybe you are able to experience togheter two sensorial stimulation like a Synesthete. Synesthesia is a neurologically based phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway (WIKI). I find it a wonderful phenomenon!
Great mix! =)

A lot of the color mixes can be interpreted different ways I think, I can totally see those songs expressing a yellow or a pink, but when I hear them I tend to experience them as being more purple. I'm just trying to get the imagery and the whole concept to translate, so I'm happy that you can think of the songs in terms of different colors. It's neat, makes me think. :)
