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and you had a fun summer but it's suddenly colder


basically summer is ending and it makes me want to cry so i made a little playlist of songs that make me a little nostalgic for sunny days with their lyrics, music, vibe, etc.

(cover photo credit: http://tinyurl.com/kyqeoyz )

8 tracks
5 comments on and you had a fun summer but it's suddenly colder

i absolutely love you for putting the tracks on the cover. i love it omg. also the tracks are perf. omg ▲

okay this might sound confusing bc i'm bad at explaining things but basically i typed up the tracklist in google docs and screenshotted it and cropped it and stuff then i went to picmonkey.com and opened the image i wanted as the background and cropped it and stuff and then i went to overlays and added the screenshot and yeah. sorry i hope this made sense omg
