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Leap (V-Day '16)


Sometimes I look back at my previous V-Day playlists and it strikes me how each one had a very particular take on the idea of love. 2013 was “like”; childlike affection, Disney Princess romance. 2014 was lust; teenage rebellion and rejection of loneliness in the form of obsession with sex. 2015 was Love 1.0; the prototype, if you will. A quietly burning fire that ultimately went out despite my best tending.

2016 is about a lot of things: learning to reject those past simplifications of romantic love, recognizing the importance of other types of love (familial, platonic, self love) in my life. I’ve grown by leaps and bounds just in the past month...

But I still have a long way to go. So here's to those leaps, and to many more to come. Happy Leap Day, my friends.

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