real life moose
Is this playlist safe for work?

there'll be love wherever you go

9 comments on there'll be love wherever you go (View all)

Ok so I have my playlist started now but how do I get the music up there? (I only made my account last night so I'm still a newb)

@Maddy_Bellock alright! so you're going to have to upload tracks... 8tracks used to let you rip from soundcloud but they changed their policy. so just click on the upload tracks button (i think it's orange) and use files from your computer and you can arrange them and all that stuff

@Maddy_Bellock oh, and there's a little search area to the left, so see what 8tracks has in their library by searching songs if you don't have them!

Well it might be because I'm doing this on my iOS but when I try to make a playlist on the app it tells me to go to the website, and when I go to the website it says that the page doesn't exist

@Maddy_Bellock i'm glad you like it!! as for making a playlist, that is a little more complicated: first i think about the tone or message i want the playlist to have. if it's based on a ship, for instance, is it a sadder ship or happier ship? do i want it to have a mistier or more cheerful tone? most of the time i have a song that really inspires me to make a playlist and i build the playlist around its tone and message that pertains to the subject matter. you are going to want to pay attention to the lyrics as well as the instrumental backings! if this doesn't help, maybe i could help a little more if you're a little more specific on what troubles you're having?
