From an historical point of view, people by their very nature are problem solvers. When it is made clear that a problem exists, a number of people will work to resolve it. What follows are some solutions that many people don't know about.

Minimizing your exposure to toxins and other pollutants can keep your hair healthy and lush. If you are exposed to toxins, your body is focusing on maintaining its health, which can cause you to lose hair. Try to minimize the amount of time you spend exposed to toxic fumes such as those present in heavy traffic or harsh cleaning products.

If you are currently taking anti-depressants, you may be at risk for hair thinning. Some ingredients used in anti-depressants can cause the loss of hair. Speak to your doctor and find out if changing medication might stop any the loss of hair you are experiencing.

Massage your scalp often to stimulate nerves and circulation. Scalp massage has been proven to be effective in stimulating hair growth, because it reduces stress and tension that are primary causes of the loss of hair. You can massage your scalp everyday for a risk-free way to stimulate growth.

When your hair is wet, never brush it! Wet hair is very vulnerable to damage. Brush when it's dry, since dry hair is more resilient than wet. The brushing of wet hair might result in frizzy hair and split ends.

If you would like to avoid excessive thinning hair, it's imperative that you keep stress levels under control. Stress is a major cause of the loss of hair, so your luscious locks could be affected if you don't learn how to relax. Learn how to control your stress.

A good portion of women may be surprised to learn that hormones can contribute to the loss of hair. Anything that throws off hormones, even something as minor as birth control, can make women lose hair. You may even experience hormonal imbalance temporarily if you participate in hormone replacement therapy. If you are experiencing blading, you should not overlook monitoring your hormones.

Hair thinning can be a symptom of inadequate nutrition, or a more serious problem. You could quickly prevent this from happening if you make sure that you're eating enough based on your age, weight and height. Having enough to eat during the day is critical.

Your diet is one of the most important and easiest things to change, in order to manage thinning hair. Vitamins A and E help contribute to healthy hair, so consume foods rich in these vitamins. To regain your hair's lost strength, add fish, walnuts and olive oil to your diet.

Discuss your blading problems with a qualified professional. Starting treatment before getting a diagnosis can lead to disappointment and failure. Visiting a professional is important because your thinning hair could be caused by an underlying issue. Sometimes, hair thinning is only temporary. It's important to get the advice of a professional before you start treatment.

There are special cleansing products on the market that are good for thinning hair. A lot of hair cleaning products, like those for normal hair, will not help you with balding. Target those shampoos and conditioners that are designed for balding hair. Benefits of these products include reduced rate of hair loss and improved health and texture of existing hair.

Watching yourself experience hair loss can be depressing indeed. If you know how to grow your hair back, it can be priceless. Be sure to apply what you have read via the tips above, and you can begin today. Hopefully, you will see a difference on that scalp in the immediate future.


Member since Nov 2012
