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7 comments on DAMN YOU 8TRACKS

Hi Cheryl,

Thanks for writing. We pushed some changes to the site last weekend, and the removal of Network was one of them. We totally understand your disappointment with this, and obviously the last thing we wanted to do is alienate our users. However, 8tracks has been growing exponentially over the past few months, and this has necessitated a number of changes to how the site operates. We're really excited about some of these changes, and only grudgingly acquiesced to others. The removal of Network Tracks is definitely the latter. It's not something we would have done unless it was necessary.

We’re currently working on building a new version of "Network Tracks" through direct deals with artists and labels, plus exploring ways for 8tracks DJs to add songs to their mixes from sites like Tumblr, Posterous and SoundCloud. We'll be sure to keep you apprised of developments on this front.

On the smoking tip, we're glad to hear that 8tracks helped you quit! I might have to try that myself... :)

Let us know if you've got any further questions or comments, and we hope that you stick with us through the changes.


Hi Rocketballs,

Thanks for writing, your feedback is appreciated.

We totally understand your disappointment, and obviously the last thing we wanted to do is alienate our core users. However, 8tracks has been growing exponentially over the past few months, and this has necessitated a number of changes to how the site operates. We're really excited about some of these changes, and only grudgingly acquiesced to others. The removal of Network Tracks is definitely the latter. It's not something we would have done unless it was necessary.

That said, we're confident that, in the long term, this will help us build the best free and legal music sharing site that we can. We hope you stick with us through the changes, as you've added some great content to the site and we'd hate to see you go.

Let us know if you've got any further comments on the matter, and best wishes in the meantime.

Greg Korn

Dearest 8tracks,

You've really alienated your core users.

Removing the network tracks feature was a horrible idea. Such a shame. I'm not sure if this was an effort to compete with Ping or any other number of internet radio services, but I feel this will more than likely cut your users in half, if not ruin you.

I can't tell you how many hours and how much thought I've put into those mixes.

You have jumped the shark.

