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Top 100 Guitarists Who Ever Lived


A HUNDRED tracks including music by the 100 best guitarists you can imagine. Ranked from 100 to 1. See who gets to No. 1..
Built according to 88fm's chart.

94 tracks
24 comments on Top 100 Guitarists Who Ever Lived (View all)

The Edge is a sparse player who creates a great textural feel that works so well with Bono's lyrics. He is not a stunning technical player but he is still inventive and has a unique sound that no one else has. So that puts him on any list of great players.

I would not mind him on the list if he'd not been above some far better and more inventive players. But let's be honest, there's no objective way to arrange this list. Some people even don't like hendrix, I mean, what's up with that.
