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Side B - Take Care of Hououin Kyouma For Me


Based on the Okabe from Steins;Gate 0, this playlist explores the deeper emotions Okabe felt, having to live with the guilt that the events several months ago were done by him and him alone. This playlist is a lot heavier with it's lyrics and the moods expressed in each song. These songs were chosen carefully to ensure anyone listening can get a genuine feel of "Emokabe" (As my sister likes to call him).

Made to celebrate the announcement of the Steins;Gate 0 anime adaptation. This album is a "Side B" and was made as the flip side to another playlist, about Houhouin Kyouma.

Fun Fact: An Alternate Title was considered, "Living should mean no do-overs", a quote from the first Steins;Gate.

8 tracks
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