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chicks, man!

1 comment on chicks, man!

another long one, so i'll post all the tracks in case you can't get through it all!
1. Hard To Make A Stand- Sheryl Crow
2. Hide & Seek- Imogen Heap
3. White As Diamonds- Alela Diane
4. When You Wake Up- Brandi Shearer
5. Oh! Darling- Dana Fuchs & Martin Luther McCoy
6. Dance. Dance. Dance.- Lykki Li
7. Doo Wop (That Thing)- Lauryn Hill
8. People Got A Lotta Nerve- Neko Case
9. Quicksand- La Roux
10. Stuck on Repeat- Little Boots
11. Boy Boy Boy- Lissy Trullie
12. City Song- Mia Riddle
13. Postcards From Italy- Florence and The Machine
14. Music Is My Hot, Hot Sex- Cansei de ser Sexy
15. Good Woman- Cat Power
16. Taller Children- Elizabeth And the Catapult
17. Defying Gravity- Kristen Chenoweth, Idina Menzel, Ensemble
18. 2 O'Clock- Kaki King
19. Close To The Ground- Sian Alice Group
20. Walking With A Ghost- Tegan and Sara
