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6 comments on ✦✧✦✧

Yeah, they played with Real Magic, Starslinger, and Emancipator at Best Buy! I went with my boo, one of the best date ideas ever. Just wish they'd played as long a set as they did in bk a while back

Which Best Buy? I'm so pissed about it...& that's awesome! my boo & I are going to see Tycho & Shlohmo :D..both separate concerts. Then, I dunno which edm festival to go to this year..maybe all! And hey, are you from nyc too?

They played at Best Buy Theatre in Times Square with Real Magic, Star Slinger, and Emancipator - I live in the Bronx so it was an easy trek down. Are Shlohmo & Tycho playing in NYC?! Where / when?!

If you're trying to do a festival, I'd definitely recommend Electric Forest! I went last year, and it was easily 4 of the best days of my life - it's in Rothbury, Michigan.

Oh! So lucky you saw them live...I know someone who knows Flume..he's another fav of mine. Tycho is playing at Webster Hall on April 18th, and Shlohmo is playing Brooklyn on May 7th...soooo stoked. Dude, I want to go to Electric Forest to perform my hooping. Never been there before. I'm also aiming to go to Burning Man, Electric Zoo & EDC this year...although Burning Man is more of a commitment and hassle, so that's probably next year. But this year definitely EZoo, EDC, and Governor's Ball..those are traditional every year haha. We should meet up sometime and hang since we're both in NYC...I've never met someone in person here that knows 8tracks.

You hoop? Watching the performers last year was one of my favorite parts of electric forest - I almost bought one to try out but they were a bit pricey from the vendors. I wanted to do electric zoo, too, but work stuff got in the way unfortunately.
We could totally meet up at some point, I'm always down for drinks and shenanigans :)

That would be awesome! We should meet up when the weather gets nicer...this weather sucks! Also, I just got the heads up that ODESZA will be playing in Brooklyn on May 10....I'm totally going..yet another concert on my list! Haha

I KNOW! I literally JUST bought tickets (thank god for bandsintown) before I saw your comment, and it looks like they're actually headlining this time - it totally makes up for drinko de mayo being on a Monday :)

Right now I'm still in hibernation mode, but as soon as it starts getting a bit warmer we should definitely do some boozy exploring!

Omg...I couldn't wait to come home and tell you too...that I bought the tickets today OMG!! I'm sooo stoked. My bf and I are going together. I'll probably see you there with your gf? But we gotta meet up some time before that! May is too far for me haha.

I'm going with my boyfriend, yeah - I introduced him to ODESZA and now he's totally hooked on them!
May is indeed far away - next week is supposed to be nice, let's try something then?!

Omg haha, I thought I was talking to a guy, because in your bio it says that your name is Matthew. Sorry lol! & my bf is just starting out on listening to ODESZA! He likes Tycho, so I'm luring him in little by little haha! I'll see about next week, since I'm in the middle of the moving crisis, and we're packing and moving little by little..dunno when I'll be moved into my new house!

I am a guy, and my name is Matthew - I just happen to be dating another dude lol
Tycho is a pretty good starting point, his ambient stuff is fantastic... Moving is pretty stressful, where are y'all headed?

Omg, I looked at your profile picture and assumed that was your "boo"! Lmao, That's adorable though. My sister is lesbi and I love her so much and have always stood by her side. I love gay people in general lol! I'm moving to LI, and indeed it's stressful, which is why I haven't responded back...I've been packing for a week straight. It's kind of far but I love traveling in long rides because it gives me time to either write or work on my art pieces while listening to music. I'll be taking the lirr or bus until I can drive my sister's car.

Haha that's what I figured - she's a friend from college, and this pic is from a particularly crazy night we had in my backyard over the summer.
LI is pretty cool, especially if you're near the shore.. nothing beats being able to walk to the ocean!
Speaking of Flume, I'm going with Max & a couple friends - we're gonna try to get there early so we can snag a table up by the stage. I love the Highline, they've got a fantastic sound system

I know! Not sure if I'm close to the water or not, but I do have nice streets to cruise on...and I do have a bigger room, lol! Dude, I tried purchasing the tickets, but now it says "tickets no longer available"....I'm gonna die. They probably sold out. Does it say the same for you? Do you know anyone selling tickets? But anyway, at least I have Tycho, Shlohmo & ODESZA set and ready to see, and it's so awesome we're gonna meet.

They may have - Highline is pretty small. I got mine the minute they went on sale, maybe take a look on stubhub? I'm sure somebody will be trying to flip a few.
I'm still debating getting tix for shlohmo, it'd be a helluva lead in for drinko de mayo

Wth? I could have sworn I responded back, lol, but my comment is missing. Anyway, do you have fb? Or a number haha
