49 comments on [click for more focus] by saraherv

Awesome playlist, thank you. Perfect for a spending a rainy west coast Saturday in the library. I love this type of chilled out, jazzy hip hop and generally have a hard time finding good stuff. Thanks again.

@moleculon Indeed it is hard finding gems! Took a long while collecting some of the best. Wouldn't have published my collection if I knew it wasn't going to help anyone work! Thanks <3

Wudda great playlist. Got me bobbing my head in the library. There was words in a few of them but for most of them it helped me focus even more, which is weird because words usually distract me.

@AutumnLeaf Haha I should have warned about the bobbing head. I do it too xD! I totally know what you mean. I can't focus with words either, but this is chill and doesn't break my focus. It just keeps me moving.
