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Imagine You're Happy


hold the spring heat in your hand like it's a pretty lady's hip and pretend that this is one of those Aprils where you don't have to be quiet about yourself

20 tracks
1 comment on Imagine You're Happy

the description of this breaks my heart genuinely and fully because I relate so hard. I know this playlist is literally 4 yrs old and 6 ppl still use 8tracks, but I hope you are well sweetheart and feeling at peace with yourself and are safe.

@septembersongs woah was this an unexpected message to see in my inbox! I'm 20 now and I am at peace with myself & safe, but I wasn't at 16. Your message has let me reminisce on just how much things can change in 4 yrs, so thank you really & truly! sending you love!!

@scarletibis UNEXPECTED response yet again. i'm 21 and logging in to see if i can download a song a girl i liked on yt posted and deleted so i can have it on my computer and don't have to log in now lol. it's so strange being older and reading messages from your younger self. life is a lot better now...i hope it is for you too
