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Sombre, Dark and Empty is the Night


"They say I'll adjust
God knows I must
But I'm not sure how
This natural selection picked me out to be
A dark horse running in a fantasy"

did I make this,
did I really make another fan mix for a character I've already made one for,
yes, yes I did

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20 tracks
1 comment on Sombre, Dark and Empty is the Night

Oh good heavens you made a wonderful darkleer mix Ilu omg. Thank you so much friend. Would you perhaps mind me linking it on my darkleer rp blog some time because I love it aha u//w//u not claiming it or anything!! but like sharing it. I hope you wouldn't mind too terribly.

Ah thank you miss/ter! u//w/u (Sorry I don't know the prefered pronouns so I just kinda. Middlegrounds with polite though if you're off the binary scale sorry about that too) TBH I like a lot of your mixes. Like. Wow. You have an ear for these things. Omg.
