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Archangelic Bonds


Songs to describe the relationships between the archangels. See comments for song list and corresponding relationship.

cover art by me

15 tracks
1 comment on Archangelic Bonds

Songs in order:
Immortals cover - opening song
Wicked Blood} Michael and Lucifer
Too Old To Die Young} Gabriel and Lucifer
Marked Man Mieka Pauley} Raphael and Lucifer
Talking in Your Sleep} Michael and Gabriel
Blue Ridge Mountains} Michael and Raphael
Noble Aim} Raphael and Gabriel
Where I stood } Gabriel and all 3
We'll Find Out } Raphael and all 3
The Devil Takes Care of His Own } Lucifer and all 3
Turn On Me } Michael and all 3
tricks missy higgins} Gabreil and Lucifer
Blood of the Rose} Raphael and Lucifer
gabriel }Michael and Gabriel
white winter hymnal - fleet foxes} Michael and Raphael
hide and seek }Raphael and Gabriel
The Phoenix On Novocaine } Michael and Lucifer
somebody to die for - closing song
