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Here's to the mounds of cobblestone, to the lost pickaxes, to the accidental explosions, to the "accidental" lava incidents, to never eating cake again, to the trapped cows and disappeared chickens, to the constant search for any remaining minerals possible, to the giant animals, and to whatever the hell is inside that tunnel.

Here's to 100 episodes, and here's to 100 more!

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13 tracks
4 comments on Achievement City

i dont know if you even use 8tracks anymore since i found this playlist so long ago but. hey. thank you. for everything, this will sound so odd but i found bastille about 3 years ago because of this playlist since then i have completely and entirely fallen in love and seen them play in 5 different countries. vicariously, your song choices helped me out of my depression and made me meet all of my closest friends. thank you so much, genuinely. i can't explain it enough but these silly songs about dumb youtube minecraft videos have been the soundtrack to so many of my best and worst days. i recently got my computer from years ago fixed and it is reminding me of all these things i once loved and listened to daily, and god this brings back so much. i hope you are having an amazing day, stranger, you are wonderful <3

@lxthargy Very rarely, but I do have emails still attached to this account !! That's absolutely incredible to hear, actually. I still listen to this playlist to this day and at the time I made this playlist I was *obsessed* with Bastille and I still am tbh ?? I own their entire discography, all their covers, everything. His voice is INCREDIBLE and the songs they make are life changing. I'd love to see them perform but concerts make me so nervous I only go to concerts for people I really, really love (aka 1D and Harry Styles bc I'm a loser). That's so amazing you've seen them so many times !! Weirdly enough, once I got out of rtah I fell in love with 1D and they did just about the same thing for me as Bastille did for you. Music has a weird way of helping. I'm really glad I was able to introduce you to Bastille and to inadvertently start you on your journey. Thanks so much for telling me <3
