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Hip-Hop From TUCSON, AZ - The Underestimated City


There's a musical movement going on in Tucson, Arizona - and it's starting to grow. Some of the most talented, charismatic and real hip-hop is coming out of the Southwest, and it's time the rest of the world knew about it. This is just a small sampling of the fresh talent coming out of Tucson, including Indigo Kids, The Natives Are Restless, and Big Meridox. The day is coming when The Underestimated City will have to change its moniker, but for now - check these dope tracks from a dope city.

9 tracks
1 comment on Hip-Hop From TUCSON, AZ - The Underestimated City

pretty dope....damn General X is still around...I remember that cat from WAYYYY back...good shit... mad love to Tucson Hip Hop
