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Blood & Bones: an Outlander Mix


"You're the reason I'm home, don't want to go / If I ever leave I'd have no blood and no bones / No reason to call this home"

A clichéd title for a mix with some perfectly titled songs and lyrics. When you realize you have songs called "Blood & Bones" as well as "Ho Ro Mo Nighean Donn Bhoidheach," the collection just makes itself.

A mix following the general arc of the first Outlander book, and Jamie & Claire's relationship.

Tracklisting: http://bit.ly/101imp9

23 tracks
5 comments on Blood & Bones: an Outlander Mix

@heidi_marie Haha thanks so much! The sources are a little random but it's fun how they all fit together to create a unified sound for this story—at least I hope so ;) I'm glad you like it! I always love finding random favourites on other playlists, so I'm glad I could do the same for you.
